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Students who have applied to graduate will be emailed in the intended graduation semester with timelines of degree clearance and diploma mailing. This information is also available on Testudo under the Graduation Application and Diploma Status page in the blue box.

Please be aware that you will only be able to track your diploma shipping status for 120 days from the mailing date. After this period, replacement of lost or damaged diplomas will be processed at your expense.

For most international deliveries, USPS only tracks shipping to the country of destination and not to a specific address. For this reason, diplomas are considered successfully delivered once the diploma reaches the intended country of destination.

Certified Electronic Diplomas

Students can obtain official, secure, portable, and verifiable electronic PDF versions of their UMD diplomas or certificates.

Learn more

Diploma Remake Request

Remakes of diplomas and certificates can be requested through Testudo.

Learn more
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