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University Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Holiday
The University will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Have a great long weekend Terps!


Blocks, Special Permissions, & Exceptions to Policy

Students may encounter a registration block that prevents them from registering for classes. Some blocks may be viewed prior to registration, while other blocks are only displayed when adding classes during registration. These blocks, special permissions, and exceptions to policy are listed below with details about what each block means and who to contact to resolve the block. Many of these blocks, special permissions, and exceptions to policies can be cleared with permission of the appropriate department (processed in the form of an electronic stamp) which allows students to register using Testudo Registration (Drop/Add).

On this page:

Registration Blocks

Registration blocks can be viewed prior to registration on Testudo. Using the Appointment and Registration Status app, you can view all registration blocks at one time. All registration blocks must be cleared before you can register for classes.

Block Type What does it mean? Who should you contact?
Academic dismissal - needs advising You are on academic dismissal and require special permission for all registration requests. Academic advising college
Acad probation - needs advising You are on academic probation and require special permission for all registration requests. Academic advising college
Academically ineligible You have been blocked from registration; usually associated with your admission status to the university.  Office of the University Registrar
Administratively ineligible You have been blocked from registration. Office of the University Registrar
Athlete: needs SPECADV stamps & Dean's approval You are an active member of a NCAA sport and require special permission for all registration requests. Academic advising college
Financially ineligible You have an outstanding financial balance on your student account. Student Financial Services & Cashiering
Judicially ineligible You have a judicial hold on your registration. Office of Student Conduct
Mandatory Advising You must meet and be cleared by the department/advising college listed. If there is more than one department or college listed, the last unit will lift the block. Academic advising college
Must choose a degree major You have reached 60 credits  and have not yet chosen a degree-granting major (still in Letters and Sciences).  Department of desired major to start the change of major process.


If you would like to remain in Letters and Sciences, submit an Exception to Academic Policy request.
Must meet English fundamental studies You have reached 30 credits (earned + currently registered for) and have not completed an English course that meets the Academic Writing requirement.  If you are currently enrolled in a course that will meet the requirement, the block will be lifted after you have earned the credit. Academic advising college to see if you may be eligible for an exception which will allow you to register using Testudo


Register in person with the Office of the University Registrar. Your registration must include a course that meets this requirement.
Must meet Math fundamental studies You have reached 30 credits (earned + currently registered for) and have not completed a math course that meets the fundamental studies requirement.  If you are currently enrolled in a course that will meet the requirement, the block will be lifted after you have earned the credit. Academic advising college to see if you may be eligible for an exception which will allow you to register using Testudo


Register in person with the Office of the University Registrar. Your registration must include a course that meets this requirement.
New student requires advising Newly admitted students must attend a new student orientation program. You will receive advising and will register for classes during the program. Office of Student Orientation and Transition
Proof of vaccination required You must submit proof of immunizations to register for classes per the university's immunization policy. University Health Center

Some students may also see the following registration blocks when accessing Testudo Registration (Drop/Add).

Block Type What does it mean? Who should you contact?
Student has made too many registration transactions. Students have a limited number of drop/add transactions that can be processed, and you have exceeded the maximum number that can be processed on Testudo.  Office of the University Registrar
Student last attended in... As an undergraduate student, you have taken a break in enrollment (not registered during the previous fall or spring semester). Student Success Office
Your graduate admission expired for... As a graduate student, you have exceeded the time limitations for your degree. The Graduate School

Special Permissions & Exceptions to Policy Blocks

Special Permissions blocks are applied to courses that require permission from the academic department offering the course to register. In such cases, students will need to contact the academic department directly to register for the course.

Exceptions to Policy blocks are student-specific and require students to submit an Exception to Policy request to their advising college to register for the course.

When applicable, these blocks will display when accessing Testudo Registration (Drop/Add).

Block Type What does it mean? What should you do?
By Permission Only - appear in Schedule of Classes as: (Perm Req) You need permission from the department to register for the course. This permission is required for all students. Contact the department offering the course.
Changes after schedule adjustment period You are attempting to add, drop, or make a change to grading method or credit level after the academic deadline. To request an exception to make a change to the course, submit an exception to policy request following your academic advising college instructions.
Gen Ed requirement You have over 60 credits and are only allowed to register for one Gen Ed course. To request to register for another Gen Ed course, follow the instructions of your academic advising college.
Oversubscribe into closed course You are attempting to register for a class whose seats have been filled. Add yourself to the waitlist, if available. Check out instructions for Waitlist/Holdfile
Pass/Fail override You are attempting to register for a course with the pass/fail grading method but do not meet the Pass/Fail grading requirements. To request an exception to the pass/fail grading requirements, submit an exception to policy request following your academic advising college instructions.
Repeat Course You are attempting to register for a course for the third time, this is in violation of the Repeat Course Guidelines. To request permission for a third repeat, submit an exception to policy request following your academic advising college instructions.
Repeat Limit You are attempting to register for a course which will exceed the repeat credit limit, this is in violation of the Repeat Course Guidelines. To request permission to exceed the repeat limit, submit an exception to policy request following your academic advising college instructions.
Seats reserved for incoming students See Seat Management Plan. See Seat Management Plan.
Time Conflict You are attempting to register for two courses which meet at the same time or have an overlap. To request permission for a time conflict, submit an exception to policy request following your academic advising college instructions.
Total Credit Limit Reached You have reached the maximum credit limit for the term.  To request permission for a credit overload, submit an exception to policy request following your academic advising college instructions.
Undergraduate student taking graduate course You are an undergraduate student attempting to register for a graduate level course. To request an exception to register for a graduate level course, submit an exception to policy request following your academic advising college instructions.
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